This is Yanko NX9G Mr. Satellite and a seriouse computer guy

who solves all the computer and networking issues with the station.

Here is Scott back in the game during CQWW WPX 2013

Meet Jim KC9MSH, Jim has been our right hand man in helping

build and maintaining our UHF 8 site repeater

Here’s Jim during the WPX RTTY 2013 contest with a 156 run going. This was Jims first RTTY contest.

You cant get any more relaxed then this, left click- right click- left click.

This is Joe N9OK who was part of the 2013 CQWW WPX RTTY team.

NX9G AA9AZ N4LR holding down the fort in 2014 CQWW WPX RTTY.

K9SF running in CQWW WPX RTTY.

N4LR 2014 who did several contest here during his 1 year stay in IL. Gordon is an exceptional contester

N4LR, this line noise is killing me!

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